Only you can decide if you are ready to try AA .

What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism is recognised as a major health problem. In the UK it ranks alongside heart disease and cancer - and it does not damage alcoholics alone. Others are hurt by its effects - in the home, at work and on the road. Alcoholism costs the community millions of pounds every year. So whether or not you ever become an alcoholic yourself, alcoholism still can have an impact on your life.

We have learned a great deal about how to identify and arrest alcoholism. But so far no one has discovered a way to prevent it, because nobody knows exactly why some drinkers turn into alcoholics. Doctors and scientists in the field have not agreed on the cause (or causes) of alcoholism.

For that reason, AA concentrates on helping those who are already alcoholics, so that they can stop drinking and learn how to live a normal, happy life without alcohol.

As AA sees it, alcoholism is an illness. Alcoholics cannot control their drinking, because they are ill in their bodies and in their minds (or emotions), AA believes. If they do not stop drinking, their alcoholism always gets worse.

Both the American Medical Association and the British Medical Association, chief organisations of doctors in those countries, also have said that alcoholism is an illness


1. Will I be asked to speak? 1. Nothing will be asked of you, you are free to speak or remain silent .
2. And if I see someone I know? 2. Anonymity is strictly respected in AA meetings.
3. Must I be a believer, will there be talk of God? 3. Many members are agnostic or atheist .
4. I'm trembling and afraid to go to a meeting, what should I do? 4. Many of us felt the same thing . The important thing is to get to your first reunion as quickly as possible. If neccessary, ask a member to take you.
5. I've done such stupid things, I'd be afraid to talk about it. 5. You'd be surplised to learn that all you have done and worse has been done by other members in the past.
6.Will it be insisted that I stop drinking immediately? 6. For your own good it will be suggested that you stop but, in AA, we do not give orders
7. How can AA help me better than doctors? 7. Experience has shown that alcoholism is best understood between alcoholics , but your doctor can also play an important part of the recovery process.




Don't stay alone. Contact Alcoholics Anonymous. The hand of AA is here for you.